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Civil Rights Groups: Extend Voter Registration Deadline as State Recovers from Hurricane Helene

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Georgia, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and the law firm Cooley LLP filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to extend the voter registration deadline, as Georgians deal with the impact of hurricane Helene. The lawsuit is filed on behalf of the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, and New Georgia Project.

Restraining Order


Lawsuit Challenges Recent Voter Roll Purges in Virginia Preventing Eligible US citizens from Voting

The Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights and the League of Women Voters of Virginia filed a lawsuit in federal court to challenge the state’s policy of illegally and systematically removing voters from the rolls only one month before the upcoming election. The plaintiffs are represented by Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Campaign Legal Center, the Protect Democracy Project, and Advancement Project.



Voting Rights Advocates Move to Intervene in Suit to Protect 5,000 Georgia Voters at Risk of Removal from the November Election Rolls

Suit by the DeKalb County Republican Party Seeks to Force the Dekalb Board of Elections to conduct voter challenge hearings in violation of federal law.

Motion to Intervene
Motion to Dismiss


Civil Rights Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Georgia Law’s Outrageous New Pathway to Purging Eligible Voters

S.B. 189 Opens Door to Purge Requests for Voters Who Live in College Dorms, Nursing Homes, Shelters, and Creates New Barriers to Voting for Unhoused People

Filed complaint


Federal Court Orders Mississippi’s State Legislative Maps to Be Redrawn

A federal court has ordered Mississippi to redraw its 2022 state legislative maps in several areas after concluding those maps unlawfully dilute the voting strength of Black Mississippians.
